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In the midst of a wild acid trip, Luna the Alpaca-Ludicrous Unraveled Nonsense Alpaca-laughed through a surreal, swirling world. As the trip unfolded, Luna’s humor seemed to mock the people who had lost their money due to Do Kwon’s blunders, embodying their misguided faith and the folly of their investment. Each gleeful leap and twirl became a symbol of their freedom from the financial wreckage, turning their loss into a cosmic joke. Amidst the laughter and vibrant colors, Luna represented both the absurdity of their choices and the liberation from their misguided dreams.


Luna's trip


Total supply: 100B

LP: 100% Token

Tax: 0% Buy/Sell

LP Burnt

Ownership Renounced



None of what is written here is to be taken seriously, this website is a total hallucination. None of what is written here is any type of financial advice or recommendation this is all in your mind. If you believe this is true consult with a doctor immediately, you’re probably having a bad trip.

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